Master of Spies Card Game Progresses

Hello again, and thanks for checking out Move Rate 20 Games!

Sorry for our long absence, but hopefully we will be here on a regular basis going forward!

If you have been here before, thanks for coming back…and be sure to spread the word about us to all your gaming friends. For those of you who are visiting for the very first time, WELCOME! I hope all of you stay with us for the ride, as we have what seems to be a challenging and exciting rest of the year ahead.

Work continues on “Master of Spies”.

Master of Spies Card game

The “new & improved” game play mechanics are now complete. Official rules have been written, the retail box has been re-designed and we have some demo copies set to go off to some reviewers. We still have some playtesting notes to comb through, but overall this game is very close to going to production.

So far the vast majority of our playtests for “Master of Spies” have resulted in positive feedback, so we are excited to move forward into the next stage of development. Hopefully we can bring “MoS” to Kickstarter again soon (Early 2017?).

So stay with us for the ride folks…it may get a little bumpy, but it will sure be fun!

Steve R